‘Toy Story 5’ has some incredibly sad moments

Although Toy Story 5 has generated a lot of debate, opposing the movie is actually in opposition to the themes of the entire Toy Story series.

The animation trilogy has some really tragic moments, and the films are equally full of youthful delight and anguish due to their themes about growing up. Toy Story is a wonderful family property. Although hoping for a pre-Toy Story 5 conclusion corresponds with Toy Story’s darkest moments, the criticism that has surfaced over continuing the film with Toy Story 5 is unfortunately on the opposing path of the movie’s themes.

Preventing Toy Story 5 would go against the message that has been driven home in each and every Toy Story film. If Toy Story was never finished, future kids will not be able to develop the same level of affection and attachment for the movies. It’s entirely fine for viewers to skip Toy Story 5 if they feel it to be monotonous. After all, in Toy Story 3 Andy didn’t throw away his toys when he was done with them. Instead, he provided Bonnie access to them. The Toy Story series should not be abandoned in the same way that toys shouldn’t.

toy story

The possibility of a new Toy Story movie shouldn’t be all that worrisome, even though Toy Story 5 might change up the series. Each Toy Story film has received high accolades and numerous honors, making them among of Pixar’s greatest overall. Toy Story 3 is frequently regarded as the best movie in the series, despite being controversial when it was first released. Toy Story 4 isn’t as well-liked as the other films, but it’s still pretty wonderful. Pixar has achieved success four times, and Toy Story 5 will likely be their fifth.

Anoosha Khan
Anoosha Khan

Anoosha Khan is a film critic and entertainment editor based in the UK. She has been reporting about celebs and movies for WatchinUK for the past year.

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