Many people thought that “The Rings of Power” opening credit sequence was created using VFX, but now we know how it was actually created.
Several significant characters who would be crucial to the plot’s development were introduced in the first three episodes, but one aspect of those first three episodes that have managed to pique fans’ interest is the opening credits sequence. The thought process going into the opening credits is so extraordinary as the makers wanted the show to feel grand in every sense and that title sequence is a part of it.
It’s easy to understand how effects were employed to produce such beautiful visuals in the opening credit sequence, which is breathtaking. People would be shocked to learn that although the sequence was influenced by a mystical occurrence, it was actually brought to life by a natural phenomenon. A New York University professor and game designer named Alexander King remarked on Twitter that the opening credits sequence was influenced by Chladni figures, which are named for German physicist and musician Ernst Chladni.
In a Twitter thread, King shared a brief explanation of the Chladni Figures along with several examples.
In one of his next tweets, he also mentioned that they are organic because it’s a natural phenomenon and shared a video of that magical phenomenon happening LIVE in a video.
Fascinated by the thread, the creative director responsible for the sequence, Anthony Vitagliano, responded by confirming that they took the inspiration from Ainur, the magical beings created by Tolkien that sing beautifully.