Shemar Moore opens up about his character in ‘S.W.A.T’

Since Shemar Moore first appeared on the stage about 30 years ago, he has been a sought-after performer. For 11 years, he played Derek Morgan on Criminal Minds. In S.W.A.T, he has starred as Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson since 2017. 

In Season 6, a large heroin business with connections to Los Angeles is discovered by Hondo and his former military friend Joe, who then find themselves fleeing from a formidable drug lord. The season is filled with all the excitement that fans of the program have come to expect.

PopCulture had a conversation with Moore about the show, where he was interviewed about its success and the factors that led to its popularity.

“The little train that might have been SWAT. We’re just a lighthearted, action-packed program that everybody can enjoy”, Moore replied. 

“In this family-friendly program, the gang and I play super policemen, and I play the role of Hondo, the big badass Hondo, who goes after criminals. We remain informed about current events as well. Over the years, we have produced programs on themes including police officer suicide, human trafficking, and school shootings.” he added.

“We created a whole Black Lives Matter-inspired show. As a result, we discuss current events without being preachy. Politics and religion are not topics we discuss. When you watch S.W.A.T., you just have fun with a lighthearted, interesting message and a tinge of compassion”, he continued.

On October 7, the sixth season of S.W.A.T premiered on C.B.S. You can watch the cast solve the best cases on S.W.A.T. while you wait for the sixth season to premiere.

Anoosha Khan
Anoosha Khan

Anoosha Khan is a film critic and entertainment editor based in the UK. She has been reporting about celebs and movies for WatchinUK for the past year.

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