Freddie Mercury Queen’s Vocalist personal collection to be auctioned

A treasure trove of 1500 items of legendary Freddie Mercury will be sold at auction including Handwritten lyrics and stage costumes. 

The objects were left to one of his older friends Mary Austin before he died of complications from AIDS in 1991, in his residence in Kensington Garden Lodge. “You see the spectrum of his taste,” said Austin as she spoke with BBC “It’s a very intelligent, sophisticated collection.”

Among the collectibles going in for six separate sales includes a Symbolic crown, the lead singer wore to his final tour of Queen’s with a value of £80,000. The main item from the list will be Freddie’s Handwritten working lyrics to his famous hit , We are the champions, which includes 9 pages of harmonies and chords, expected to sell for around £200,000-300,000. 

Freddie mercury personal objects set for sale 1

Another deeply personal rarity is a small Tiffany & Co. Silver mustache comb for £600, accompanying a sketchbook of his drawn home valued at £3,000. Also, Going under the hammer is his most loved cat-printed waistcoat which he wore in the video of ‘These Are The Days Of Our Lives’ and could sell for £7,000. 

“It was important to me to do this in a way that I felt Freddie Mercury would have loved, and there was nothing he loved more than an auction” Mary said. 

More than 1500 objects will go on a show at Sotheby’s in London before it is set for sale on September 6. A portion of these sales will be shared between Mercury Phoenix Trust and Elton John Aids Foundation, where the collection is estimated to cost around £6 million.

Anoosha Khan
Anoosha Khan

Anoosha Khan is a film critic and entertainment editor based in the UK. She has been reporting about celebs and movies for WatchinUK for the past year.

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