Hugh ‘Logan’ Jackman returns as ‘Wolverine’ in Deadpool 3 with Ryan Reynolds

The world’s epic frenemies are set to make a surprise reunion in Deadpool 3.

Logan comes out of retirement and is ready to make his appearance in Deadpool 3 with Ryan Reynolds. The news went viral when Ryan posted a video on his social media, shocking Marvel fans on Tuesday with the announcement of the movie, which is set to hit the theaters on September 06, 2024, along with Hugh Jackman returning as the clawed mutant in the third sequel of the movie.

“Hey, Hugh. You wanna play Wolverine one more time?”, He asked while Hugh Jackman passed from behind.

“Yeah. Sure, Ryan,” Hugh replied, followed by the Whitney Houston track. “I will always love you.”

The director of Deadpool 3, Shawn Levy, also tweeted mentioning Stranger Things, “I want to take a minute to thank #StrangerThings for training me to keep my big mouth shut. This news has been burning a hole in my lips for weeks now.”

Now that Disney has acquired the assets of 21st Century Fox and the rights to the X-Men, Deadpool 3 will be Jackman’s Wolverine’s first MCU outing. Fans have wondered how the Avengers universe would include mutants, and the movie will undoubtedly take a significant move in that direction.

Anoosha Khan
Anoosha Khan

Anoosha Khan is a film critic and entertainment editor based in the UK. She has been reporting about celebs and movies for WatchinUK for the past year.

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